Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Femmetopia has Ended - Bye bye!

If you are looking for Femmetopia, the 'zine, I am no longer producing it. If you are interested in the back issues, which were produced between 2001 and 2005, you can contact me by commenting.

If you are looking for Femmetopia, the blog, it no longer exists here. (Mysterious, eh?)


Listen Up, MoFos! said...

Say it isn't sooooooooo! I really enjoyed reading your posts, it was a good way to "keep in touch" although I probably should have posted in your comments every now and then... you'll be missed. Hope you come back soon!


Anonymous said...

Sad. Where did it move?

Anonymous said...

did your relationship with dd end?

femmetopia said...

No, we're still together! My blog was getting many hits per day and many pages being read from the same IP address, which seems to indicate an obsessive ex (ex friend, ex lover, whatever), so I moved the blog.

Anonymous said...

I got an issue of Femmetopia in the mail years ago in the mail, after I requested it through Lotus Blossom Is Dead, the Yahoo group that Leah Eckelberger created. It was a great zine! I wish you great success in your future endeavors/blogs! I'm not so active on my blog, but I hope what little I've written there is entertaining!

femmetopia said...

Thanks for your note. I write a few other 'zines now. If you want to give me your e-mail address via a comment here (I won't publish the comment)
we can keep in touch!